Renno Vathilakis Inc.
On se préoccupe souvent (et beaucoup) des qualifications des témoins experts. Or, s'il est bien sûr souhaitable d'avoir un expert avec des qualifications impeccables, c'est d'abord et avant tout la qualité du travail de l'expert et de ses conclusions qui convaincront la Cour. La décision rendue par l'Honorable juge Silvana Conte dans l'affaire Tiklé c. Vujacic (2016 QCCS 3651) illustre bien ce principe.
Dans cette affaire, la juge Conte est saisie du recours en dommages des Demandeurs au motif que la maison qu'ils ont acquis des Défendeurs est affectée de vices cachés.
La première question à laquelle la juge Conte doit répondre est celle de savoir quel est le vice qui affecte l'immeuble. À cet égard, elle préfère le témoignage de l'expert en demande en raison du fait que son travail a été plus exhaustif et que son opinion explique mieux les conséquences pour l'immeuble:
[58] The Court retains Mr. Hosseini’s expert opinion that the Plaintiffs’ home was improperly built on instable muskeg soil and that this construction defect resulted in the gradual shifting of the foundation to the Plaintiff’s home over the years.
[59] The National Building Code specifically prohibits the construction of two storey homes on Muskeg soil and both experts agree that such a construction is contrary to acceptable practices.
[60] Mr. Hosseini's report is detailed and exhaustive. Unlike Mr. Bortash's cursory visual inspection, Mr. Hosseini performed a detailed inspection of the home, conducted soil samples and verified the soil conditions in the residential area. The photograghs evidence signs of shifting as opposed to the settlement of the foundation of the home.
[61] It is also not plausible to accept Mr. Bortash's argument that the differential of 114 mm in the foundation wall may have existed since 1987 but only noticed in 2012.
[62] Moreover, Mr. Bortash was unable to provide a plausible explanation for either the vertical cracks in the foundation walls or the protruding supporting beam. Finally, he did not perform a visual inspection in 2015, when the walls of the basement and flooring were removed and, therefore, cannot comment on the vertical cracks and evidence of shifting uncovered at that time.
Référence : [2016] ABD Expert 34[63] The Court agrees with Mr. Hosseini that the improperly constructed balcony and gaps in the chimney exacerbated Plaintiffs' damages by causing the water infiltration but the construction defect is the cause for the shifting of the home.
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