Irving Mitchell Kalichman s.e.n.c.r.l.
Dépendamment des circonstances, la prise en paiement d'un bien peut s'avérer foncièrement injuste. C'est pourquoi le législateur - à l'article 2778 C.c.Q. - prévoit que lorsque la moitié de la dette a déjà été remboursée, le créancier qui désire se prévaloir de la prise en paiement doit obtenir l'autorisation de la Cour. Dans l'affaire Gestion Nicotec inc. c. D'Agostino (2014 QCCS 5193), l'Honorable juge Karen Kear-Jodoin en vient à la conclusion qu'une telle prise en paiement serait injuste étant donné le solde de la dette.
Dans cette affaire, la Demanderesse désire prendre en paiement deux immeubles sur lesquels elle possède une hypothèque pour garantir un prêt de 100 000$. Les Défendeurs contestent ce recours au motifs que le solde restant n'est que de 8 750$ et que la prise en paiement leur porterait donc un grand préjudice.
Après avoir analysé les circonstances de l'affaire, la juge Kear-Jodoin donne raison aux Défendeurs:
[36] Article 2778 C.C.Q. provides if a debtor has discharged one half or more of the obligation secured by the hypothec at the time the creditor registers the prior notice of taking in payment, the creditor must obtain authorization of the Court to act on the notice.
[37] The Court’s discretion under Article 2778 C.C.Q. must be exercised judicially having regard to such factors as the value of the property and the unpaid balance of the debt.
[38] Defendants suggest to the Court that the Côte-des-Neiges property be surrendered in payment for the amount owing to Nicotec, but requests that Plaintiff’s claim relating to [2 Street B] be dismissed.
[39] With respect to the unpaid balance of the debt, the Court concludes that the amount owing to Nicotec is $8,750 with interest at a rate of 15% per year, together with legal interest and special indemnity since February 2012.
[40] The evidence in relation to the value of [2 Street B] and Côte-des-Neiges properties is insufficient. In 2010, the Côte-des-Neiges property was purchased by Joseph and Salvatore for $366,000. Joseph testified that the current estimated value is between $400,000 and $450,000 and that the current hypothec is $260,000, excluding any sum due to Nicotec. The evidence suggests that there is sufficient equity in the Côte-des-Neiges property to cover the balance due to Nicotec.
Référence : [2014] ABD 444[41] In view of the Court’s conclusion that the Defendants have paid $100,000 and that the amount still owing is only $8,750 plus interest, it would be inequitable to authorize the taking in payment of both immovable properties in order to satisfy the debt owing to Nicotec.
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