Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt s.e.n.c.r.l./s.r.l.
Décision très intéressante rendue récemment par un juge unique de la Cour d'appel en matière de déclaration d'inhabilité. En effet, dans l'affaire Al Iman c. World Assurance Inc. (2011 QCCA 1122) l'Honorable juge Nicholas Kasirer indique que le seul fait pour un avocat de rédiger une convention unanime d'actionnaires ne crée pas de relation avocat-client entre lui et chacun des actionnaires signataires.
Dans cette affaire, l'Appelant recherche une déclaration d'inhabilité des procureurs de l'Intimée au motif que ceux-ci ont rédigé la convention unanime d'actionnaires qui est au centre du litige. En effet, l'Intimée invoque une violation alléguée par l'Appelant d'une clause de non-concurrence contenue dans cette convention unanime. L'argument de l'Appelant est résumé comme suit par le juge Kasirer:
[2] Heenan Blaikie is acting for the respondent in the principal action. Mr. Al Imam submits that the firm is in conflict of interest because it acted for the respondent, Mr. Hanano and himself in the preparation of the shareholders’ agreement. Given that the interpretation of the agreement is central to the outcome of the action taken against him, the firm is precluded from acted on behalf of the respondent by the rules in the Code of Ethics of Advocates. In the alternative, Mr. Al Imam affirms that he intends to call members of the firm as witnesses in the main action, which precludes those persons and the firm from acting as advocates in the case.
Or, le juge de première instance a rejeté la requête de l'Appelant, d'où sa requête pour permission dont le juge Kasirer est saisi. Dans le cadre du débat, le procureur de l'Appelant indique qu'il serait illogique de conclure, que le juge de première instance l'a fait, qu'un avocat qui rédige une convention unanime d'actionnaires agit pour la compagnie puisque l'objectif même d'un tel contrat est de régir la relation entre les actionnaires eux-mêmes. Malheureusement pour l'Appelant, le juge Kasirer ne voit pas non plus les choses de cette façon:
[8] The nature of a shareholders' agreement, in itself, does not create a lawyer-client relationship between the lawyer who prepared it and the shareholder who is subject to it. The role that Heenan Blaikie took on in preparing the agreement needs to be measured in light of the facts and, as the judge observed, each case of this nature is different and the facts do not indicate here that the firm acted for Mr. Al Imam.
[9] In sum, Mr. Al Imam invites me to grant leave so that matters of fact, including whose account of the disputed events that took place in 2004 is to be preferred, can be reviewed by the Court. This is not the usual role of a court of appeal and the petitioner has failed to convince me that the pursuit of justice requires that leave be granted in this case for the Court to undertake that work here.
[10] Mr. Al Imam also failed to convince the judge that the testimony of the two Heenan Blaikie lawyers involved would be necessary or useful in the principal proceedings. The petitioner says the judge failed in particular to consider the usefulness of possible testimony by one of those lawyers, Mtre Bastien, who was present at the meeting of the directors at which it was decided that he was dismissed.
[11] The judge explicitly recorded in her reasons that there were other participants at the meeting of directors who could establish, just as well as Mtre Bastien, what was said at that meeting (para. [30]). Mr. Al Imam’s motion for leave fails to indicate why this finding of the judge is mistaken. Here again, he has not convinced me that the pursuit of justice requires that leave be granted.
Le texte intégral du jugement est disponible ici: http://bit.ly/iGaM9z
Référence neutre : [2011] ABD 203
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